Charleston Architecture Hunt – 23 & 25 Queen Street

Welcome to the Charleston Architecture Hunt!  Whether you are considering a visit to Charleston or are a Charleston local, we’re scouting out these Charleston architectural gems for you.  Today –


23 & 25 Queen St. Photo cred. SWB, The Scout Group

23 & 25 Queen St. Photo cred. SWB, The Scout Group

Constructed circa 1806, no. 23 rebuilt after 1865, restored and renovated circa 1935

“Like 83-85 Church Street, 23 and 25 Queen Street form a double two-and-a-half-story stuccoed brick tenement structure…The ground level of these double tenements functioned as a shop or office space, the upstairs rooms served domestic needs, and the double kitchen building behind provided for cooking, laundry, and servants’ sleeping quarters.  Heavily damaged during the Federal bombardment of the city during the Civil War, the front wall of no. 23 was rebuilt after 1865, and both structures were restored in the twentieth century by resident owners.” (emphasis added)
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The Buildings of Charleston, A Guide to the City’s Architecture

By Jonathan H. Poston for Historic Charleston Foundation

PS – I am a big fan of this reference.  Here’s where you can buy a copy.